Wednesday, May 14, 2008

AoC: it's not the 250 hours that matters, it's the stickiness

Tobold has just posted a new post on a news story I saw yesterday. Funcom believes that the average gamer will reach lv 80 (the lv cap) after 250 hours. Is it a lot or not? I can relate to many aspects Tobold pointed out. Still he lacked to mention one important issue which needs to be addressed. The lack of social and community online support in MMORPG games. That is why I salute to EA Mythic. MMORPG published an unconfirmed story that Mythic has just bought Rupture a social network start-up. Whether this is case or not, I truly believe that MMO's will have to do a lot more to support and offer their gamers with an online features.
Let the guilds establish their own website with their own closed or open forum. The minute a player will join a guild he will automatically join the guild network. As matter of fact, why not just build a MMORPG social network for each MMO. Community Is what gives a player a motivation to continue even though the game content is boring or start to repeat on himself.
So for me the big question is not if u finish the game in a short period of time or not. What does it really matter is the stickiness of each user to the application (the game).

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